Custom Elevator Interiors Delivered in Half the Time
About QCAB
The QCAB® system is an ideal solution for cab interior renovations, elevator modernization projects, and new cab installations
It is advised that a non-oily metal polish such as, Stainless Steel Magic®, available at Home Depot, be used. Try to use small amounts as a little goes a long way. Buff with a dry towel in long vertical stokes. Be careful to keep this, or any solutions away from the elevator fixtures (buttons, key switches, etc.) to avoid damage to those components
We recommend using any good quality glass cleaner. Again, it’s very important to refrain from using a swirling stroke. Even though considered mirrored, it does have a grain which usually runs vertically. Be careful to keep this, or any solutions away from the elevator fixtures (buttons, key switches, etc.)
Use only clear water and a clean dry towel. Spray or wipe a damp towel in long vertical strokes. Buff with a dry towel in long vertical strokes. Avoid using a swirling motion even on mirrored finishes. Avoid using paper towels, as they will eventually scratch the surface. If streaking occurs, use a mixture of 90% water and 10% denatured alcohol. This will increase the drying time. DO NOT use any metal polish on lacquered surfaces. They will eventually break down the finish resulting in expensive refinishing. Be careful to keep this, or any solutions away from the elevator fixtures (buttons, key switches, etc.)
The decorative surface may be cleaned with warm water and mild soaps, such as those used for hands or dishes. Do not use cleansers that contain abrasives, acids or alkalis; they will damage the decorative surface. Remove stubborn stains with a 1-minute exposure to hypochlorite bleach such as Clorox®, followed by a clean water rinse. Extended exposure could cause discoloration so use cautiously.
Custom Elevator Interiors Delivered in Half the Time
About QCAB